Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery
Fondata nel 2009, diretta da Federica Schiavo
Federica Schiavo Gallery was founded in 2009 in Rome. Over the years the gallery's program has been focused on researching and promoting the work of emerging Italian and international artists. The represented artists work across a range of media including video, performance, sculpture and painting with a rigorous and original approach to both traditional and contemporary subject matter. Focusing on the international scene, the gallery aims to support and encourage its artists building partnerships with galleries, promoting exchanges with the main international public and private art institutions and participating in art fairs. The gallery has already showed at The Armory Show, New York; NADA Miami Beach; NADA New York; Dallas Art Fair; Zona Maco, Mexico City; Frieze Art Fair, London; FIAC, Paris; Art Rotterdam; Art Athina, Athens; Artissima, Turin; MiArt, Milan; ArteFiera, Bologna. Occasionally, on single projects, the gallery avails of external curators, amongst others Chris Sharp, Michele D’Aurizio, Shane Campbell or involves directly the artists to propose shows like Does The Angle Between Two Walls Have A Happy Ending? curated by Ishmael Randall Weeks and the ambitious travelling exhibition Trieste, organized and proposed by Jay Heikes. In September 2016 with the opening of the new venue in Milan, Chiara Zoppelli becomes a partner and in 2020 the gallery changes its name to Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery. In 2023, the space in Milan closed and the gallery will open again in Rome on spring 2024 as Federica Schiavo Gallery. A
Salvatore Arancio
Michael Bauer
Simone Berti
Clara Broermann
Svenja Deininger
Jay Heikes
Todd Norsten
Ariel Orozco
Karthik Pandian
Gabriele Porta
Ishmael Randall Weeks
Andrea Romano
Andrea Sala
Rob Sherwood
Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli
Patrick Tuttofuoco
Italo Zuffi
Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery
Federica Schiavo Gallery
Lungotevere dei Vallati 2, 00186, Roma
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