Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery
Founded in 2009, owners Federica Schiavo
Federica Schiavo Gallery was founded in 2009 in Rome. Over the years the gallery's program has been focused on researching and promoting the work of emerging Italian and international artists. The represented artists work across a range of media including video, performance, sculpture and painting with a rigorous and original approach to both traditional and contemporary subject matter. In September 2016 Federica Schiavo with Chiara Zoppelli founded a second venue in Milan opening the new space with the exhibition No future ism by the American artist Jay Heikes. A
Salvatore Arancio
Michael Bauer
Simone Berti
Clara Broermann
Svenja Deininger
Jay Heikes
Todd Norsten
Ariel Orozco
Karthik Pandian
Gabriele Porta
Ishmael Randall Weeks
Andrea Romano
Andrea Sala
Rob Sherwood
Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli
Patrick Tuttofuoco
Italo Zuffi
Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery
Federica Schiavo Gallery
Lungotevere dei Vallati 2, 00186, Roma
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