Peres Projects
Founded by Javier Peres in 2002, Peres Projects is a contemporary art gallery promoting contemporary international artists to a global audience. The gallery represents and supports a diverse group of artists throughout their careers, who often demonstrate inter-disciplinary, and experimental practices. The program focuses on nurturing ambitious projects by the represented artists, in dialogue with leading institutions and scholars, with the goal of expanding their presence internationally. Since the gallery’s inception, it has operated project spaces and presented important exhibitions of contemporary art internationally. Currently it has locations in Berlin, Seoul and Milan. Our new Milan gallery is located at Piazza Belgioioso 2. A
Rebecca Ackroyd
Ajarb Bernard Ategwa
Mike Bouchet
Mark Flood
Leo Gabin
Dalton Gata
Harm Gerdes
Nicholas Grafia
Donna Huanca
Dorothy Iannone
Stanislava Kovalcikova
Dylan Solomon Kraus
Austin Lee
Beth Letain
Shuang Li
Ad Minoliti
Marc Padeu
George Rouy
Paolo Salvador
Rafa Silvares
Rafa Silvares
Manuel Solano
Blair Thurman
Brent Wadden
Peres Projects
Peres Projects Milan
Piazza Belgioioso 2, 20121, Milano, Lombardia
Telephone: +39 0294340158
Peres Projects
Peres Projects Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 82, 10243, Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 275950770
Peres Projects
Under the Table
7 June – 23 August 2024
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