All these waves
Dominika Kowynia
20 March – 18 May 2024
20 March 2024
18:00 – 21:00
Critical essay by Giovanna Manzotti_All These Waves .pdf
66.5 KB - pdf — download
Testo critico di Giovanna Manzotti_All These Waves .pdf
68.25 KB - pdf — download
Comunicato stampa_Dominika Kowynia, All These Waves .pdf
43.89 KB - pdf — download
Press Release_Dominika Kowynia, All These Waves .pdf
47.56 KB - pdf — download
Renata Fabbri
View on map
Via Stoppani 15/c, 20129, Milano, Lombardia, Italy
Renata Fabbri
Bea Bonafini
28 May – 14 September 2024
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