The New Poetic Activism
Il design italiano alla ricerca degli oggetti inevitabili
Curated by: Mario Trimarchi
No opening
No opening
29 February – 7 April 2024
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun: 10:30 – 20:00

The exhibition presents the unprecedented objects of a heterogeneous group of designers of our time, different in generation and design approach, who find a common purpose in collecting the fragments of a deliberately syncopated poetic discourse, which has given rise to simple, hermetic, dreamy projects and disobedient, however always dissonant.



Andrea Anastasio | Federica Biasi | Francesco Binfaré | Andrea Branzi | Maddalena Casadei | Lorenzo Damiani | Michele De Lucchi | Francesco Faccin | Formafantasma | Marta Laudani | Giovanni Levanti | Francesco Librizzi | Raffaella Mangiarotti | Francesco Meda | Elena Salmistraro | Valerio Sommella | Paolo Ulian




ITA_CS_The New Poetic Activism_ADI Design Museum.pdf
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ENG_CS_New Poetic Activism_ADI Design Museum.pdf
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ADI Design Museum
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ADI Design Museum
XXVIII premio Compasso d'Oro ADI
21 June – 16 September 2024
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