Thao Nguyen Phan
Reincarnations of Shadows
Thao Nguyen Phan, Reincarnations of Shadows (moving-image-poem), 2023 (still da video) Commissionato da Pirelli HangarBicocca e co-prodotto da Fondazione In Between Art Film Courtesy l’artista
14 September 2023 – 14 January 2024
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 10:30 – 20:30
13 September 2023
19:00 – 23:59
Prenotazione online consigliata
Public Program/Thao Nguyen Phan: Lecture with Jennifer Higgie:
9 November 2023
Online booking
Pirelli HangarBicocca
View on map
Via Chiese 2, 20126, Milano, MI, Italy
Pirelli HangarBicocca
Nari Ward
Ground Break
27 March – 28 July 2024
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